When you decide to begin a regular mindfulness practice you are taking an essential step towards creating a happy, more fulfilling life that will nourish your mind and improve your well-being.
During my later years as a Pilates teacher, I began to notice that most of the focus on health was placed on improving our physical fitness. Not just in the Pilates world, but in the fitness world especially. Your weight and how tight and toned you were seemed to be the only measurement of health, particularly on social media.
I believe that we don’t thrive the way we are supposed to and that no amount of physical activity or eating healthily will complete the picture of ‘good health’ if we don’t have our mental health in check.
We need to start looking after our minds in the same way you would a beautiful garden. A garden needs water, fertiliser, good soil, patience and love to flourish, just like our minds do.
With a bit of daily attention through mindfulness, we can change our life from one that is stressful, hurried and unhappy to one that flows, feels easeful and is more productive.
Extensive research has shown that mindfulness training:
- Increases your focus and concentration
- Decreases stress and anxiety levels
- Raises your self-awareness
- Improves your personal and working relationships
- Lifts your self-esteem and confidence
- Upgrades your overall well-being
If you spend time looking after your body why wouldn’t you also take a little bit of time each day to look after your mind?
Not sure how mindfulness coaching can help you? Book a free clarity call below.