Are you a worrier? When we worry our focus is usually on the future or the past. The worry is seldom related to the actual present … podcast episode
Have you ever wondered how simply being present in the moment can reduce stress and improve health and well-being? Well, towards the end of last …
Manage stress with mindfulness
In a world where focus and concentration are going down and stress levels are rising, it's more and more important to find the spaces in …
The ripple effect of mindfulness
I was watching the news last night (I rarely do it these days) and it took me back to a conversation that I had with Emily after her 10th Birthday …
One small step
When you decide to begin a regular mindfulness practice you are taking an essential step towards creating a happy, more fulfilling life that will …
Create an open sky mind
When your mind expands your body relaxes.If I asked you what it felt like when your mind is cluttered and moving at a fast pace from one thing to …
How chronic stress affects us physically
If you experience stress and anxiety on a daily basis you may be putting yourself at risk of increasing your chances of heart disease, diabetes, …
What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is a state of active attention to the present that is cultivated through practice. When we reside in a more mindful …
Whole Body Health
Return to Life was the title of the book that Joseph Pilates wrote. Joseph Pilates was a man well ahead of his time. His philosophy “Whole-body …
2020 Return to Life
To my left as I write this I have a 2020 planner from kiki.K on the wall. The beginning of this year was filled with Mindfulness conferences …